What is normally thought of as “yoga” in the West is really Hatha Yoga/Exercises, one of the eight limbs of yoga. Following all eight limbs of Yoga will lead to the same goal of unification and enlightenment, ‘Nirvana’. Regardless of what your goals or intentions are for starting, just the yoga poses themselves is a fantastic form of mental and physical exercise.
The name “8 Limbs” comes from the Sanskrit term ‘Ashtanga’ (अष्टाँग) and refers to the eight limbs of yoga: 1). Yama (attitudes toward our environment), 2). Niyama (attitudes toward ourselves), 3). Asana (physical postures), 4). Pranayama (restraint or expansion of the breath), 5). Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), 6). Dharana (concentration), 7). Dhyana (meditation) 8). and Samadhi (complete integration).
Our certified instructor will work with you to make sure you meet your goals!
Regular Yoga and meditation helps in reducing stress.
Focused and calm mind helps in performing daily functions easily and efficiently.
Regular exercises and Pranayam improves digestive system and improves metabolism
With healthy body and mind, you start living in the ‘Present’ with a conscious mind.
Yoga is wholesome exercise and improves every part of body. It increases strength and brings muscle flexibility.
Relax your mind and body with mindful yoga and meditation, along with the deep breathing techniques.
Yoga center at your home and your safe environment. AayurYoga offers online Yoga at your home and comfort.
I will say this is full health management including exercise and nutrition, way better than going to gym or yoga by yourself. Also your commitment, and doing this in a group motivates us to for consistency
it is working really good. I can see a big difference in my sitting posture now vs before